miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010


OVERVIEW: This image is made up of four components. The first is a smiling, white-haired woman in a white hat. She is pointing to a glass of coke. The glass is filled with ice and is served to the top. In white letters it is written across the glass: "Coca-Cola." The third element is a red square with white letters that say: "Have a Coke." The fourth element is an iceberg that surrounds the cup.
PARTS: The look on the woman's face is very convincing. She looks as though she is saying, "this stuff is good." Her Coca-cola hat may indicate that she works in Coca-Cola. The glass of Coca Colla looks delicious. It has the perfect amount of coke and the perfect amount of ice. Water is trickling down the sides of the glass, making it look even better. The "Have a Coke" sign is a very simple invitation. The coke looks delicious, the woman recommends it, why not have one? Finally, the iceberg surrounding the cup makes it look even colder.
TITLE: While it doesn't have a title, we could say that the title is "Have a Coke." This presents the product as the images make it look appealing.
INTERRELATION: The elements of the advertisement blend together in a great way. The iceberg, along with the ice inside the glass and the water trickling down its sides tell us that the coke is cold. If you've ever had one, you'll know that there is nothing better than an ice-cold coke. The woman pointing at the glass and smiling looks as if she were telling us: "hey, I just had one, and this stuff is great!." Finally, we read the message. Honestly, all I want now is an ice-cold coke.
CONCLUSION: This advertisement is perfect. Its simplicity is what sticks out. There is no elaborate slogan, no complicated imagery. The product is presented in a glass with ice. The message reads: "Have a Coke." The picture is so well made that it actually makes you want to have a coke. It's beautiful.

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