miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010


Passage: 1943
Comments: The year of the advertisements was one of the things that most impacted me as I began analyzing the picture. First, I thought, "Wow, Coke has been around for a really long time." As a big time Coke lover, I feel proud that my favorite drink has been around for such a long time. As I thought deeper, however, I began to think of WWII and the message of the advertisement as a whole. The advertisement takes advantage of people's wartime emotions to sell a beverage.
Passage: Tastes like home
Comments: Continuing what I began to say earlier about the company taking advantage of people's wartime emotions, I have two thoughts. The first is disagreement. I think it's terrible how the Coca-Cola company is trying to benefit from the war. On the other hand, however, it is a really successful marketing strategy. What better taste could a Coke have to a soldier fighting on foreign soil than home. Fighting soldiers think about home constantly. They think about their wives, their girlfriends, their family, the smell of their house, their friends. A drink that reminds them of all of that is exactly what they need in time of war.
Passage: 5 cents
Comments: Obviously 5 cents in 1943 aren't 5 cents in 2010. If I told a person in 1943 that I bought a coke for 2 dollars they would freak out. This made me think of how much time has passed since 1943. 70 years. That's a long time. Everything seems to have been simpler in those times, even the currency.

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